Thursday, March 4, 2010

Honey Bug

  busy bee
  hum low to me
  my honey bug shares his sweet serenade
    there is no place his song does not invade
  bustle about
    in and out
  buzz to

(Artwork by Max: Honey Bug, 2008)

I wanted to balance my depressing poem from yesterday with something more uplifting to match my present mood. I love this drawing that my son created in preschool; I framed it and it sits on my mantel in our family room. He told me it was a Honey Bug...So cute.

I have long held a love and fascination for bees... Bees have been around for millions of years, they communicate with dance, build hives with hexagonal cells that can be coaxed into sculpture, and pollinate 30% of the world's food supply. I have a friend who was stung by nearly 2,000 bees and lived! I have only been stung once by a bee, but it is said that beekeepers seldom suffer from arthritis or rheumatism.

Traditionally bees are symbolic of creativity, industry, wealth, diligence and eloquence. For me bees signify commitment, ingenuity and the triumphant essence of nature. I have a little bee button that I keep in the coin pouch of my wallet. Each time I see my honey bug, I mentally recite a brief meditation, calling for creativity and patience to flow through me.

If we hold onto a thought and nurture it, we will eventually achieve our desire. We can intensify our intention by giving it strong and regular focus. Visualizing or holding a symbolic object during meditation that embodies strong personal or spiritual meaning, can further accelerate our ability to actualize our dreams. Change originates from our strongest desires and intentions. Don't be afraid to think big...

And remember, be kind to bees....


  1. This is awesome. Stuff like this from my kids has definitely lifted my spirits more than once.

  2. Their art and that which it inspires can be very powerful... In more ways than we realize. Take it to the next level!
