Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Absence of Chaos

This morning a friend of mine shared some of his life stresses with me.  He didn't need me to fix anything, just listen.  I did offer one thought to help him refocus away from the tension, so that he might peruse a solution.

I reminded him to take one moment at a time... Inner peace isn't the absence of chaos... it's just the ability to avoid getting sucked into it...

If I was able to choose the perfect life, it would be without conflict, and all my relationships would be loving, positive and uplifting. I’d enjoy fulfillment and bliss each day. With nary a worry or disappointment, my days would unfold without sorrow, loneliness, pain or loss.

Who wouldn’t be happy with such an ideal? But unfortunately things rarely work this way. Between the jerk who cuts you off during your morning commute, woefully inadequate finances, cheerless employment, ill health, a nagging spouse or morning a loss, the simple pressures of life can spin into doubt, frustration, worry, fear, anger, hopelessness, depression...

In truth, our own peace and happiness has little to do with what comes at us. Sure anyone can be happy when they only come into contact with that which is wonderful and perfect. But since most of us live in the real world, we are surrounded by the normal havoc.

It is our outlook that effects our level of harmony.  Once we accept our circumstances, some of which we can control and others that we can not, we must begin letting go of blame, hurt and anger.  Until we do, we can not focus on possible solutions or acceptance.

Wallowing in the turmoil too long, only impedes us from attaining true joy, lasting everyday happiness. Wallow a bit... fine.  Vent to a friend... great. This process can help us let go... so we can move forward to see the light, find the answers, discover contentment.

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