Sunday, March 21, 2010

Setting a Goal for Health and Happiness

This morning I successfully completed my first triathlon!! In all truth, if you had asked me even just a year ago, I would have found the idea of finishing this sort of race laughable. But somewhere half way through the cycle portion of the competition, I found myself smiling ear to ear. I was in awe of my accomplishment and felt completely blessed to have the ability to push myself to ever greater limits.

I didn't used to think it was possible because, I am not really the completive type when it comes to sports... I have always caught balls with my face. Secondly, I love to exercise, but I haven't ever focused on a training program for myself that included a timeframe and specific performance goals. Honestly, for me it seemed to be too much pressure and chance of failure. And frankly, there was a time in the not so past, that I didn’t actually think I was cable of such a feat. I didn’t consider myself in the same caste as people who participated in fitness competitions or organized sports.

Turns out I was wrong about all of that (big surprise), but more importantly I came to an important realization... I think everyone should use a definable and measurable goal for health and fitness. Not just a goal of losing X number of pounds or that you want to look hot for your high school reunion, but an objective that keeps you focused while having FUN.

Several months ago I signed up for the triathlon with a friend/client. We picked a date, paid our entrance fees and began training. I worked some of her training into her sessions, while applying the same principles to my own workouts. We compared our present performance levels with past competitor scores to determine specific goal parameters for each segment of our race.

We worked out together, exchanged ideas and articles about increasing performance and even discussed our iPod playlist strategies. Having a friend to go through the process with me made me accountable... definitely less likely to cheat on my training. But most importantly I had a great time during the entire experience and we are already planning at least two more triathlons together this year!

Your goal doesn’t have to be a triathlon or even a competition, there are innumerable ways to individually formulate a goal that can be just as effective. The first step is developing a goal that is quantifiable, attainable yet challenging and tied to a particular completion date. But in order to stay on track and provide motivation beyond the typical limits, your goal must be enjoyable... throughout the process, not just with an eye on the end result.

Make your goal something you like to do, with people you love spending time with. Break it down into smaller targets if needed. You may just be surprised how much you take away from the experience, and how eager you are to set your sights on your next aspiration.

In the end, I think you will find that exercise doesn’t have to be a burden, but can provide long lasting benefits for your health and happiness. It is an extraordinary blessing when getting fit doesn’t feel like a chore, but increases the joy in your life. Achieving a fitness goal will also help you appreciate your body and increase your confidence. This new found self-assurance may lead you to try things you never imagined possible, as it did with me.

Here are some ideas if you need help getting started...
Hike a mountain trail
Complete a family bike ride of a specific length
Form a relay team and do one segment of a triathlon
Rollerblade to the mall with a friend
Snorkel and swim in a tropical destination
Walk the full course instead of riding a cart when you golf
Play Frisbee with your dog for 1 hour
Join a local basketball/baseball/volleyball/soccer league
Lead a nature hike for your church's youth group
Learn ballroom or hip-hop dancing
Run a 5K race or marathon for your favorite charity
Play doubles tennis each week
Plan a white water rafting trip
Take a yoga class to attain a flexibility goal
Take horseback riding lessons
Walk to dinner and a movie
Sign up for a Hula Hoop contest
Become a member of a rock climbing club
Go camping with your tent, sleeping bag and supplies on your back
Learn to do a handstand or pull up
Help coach your child’s sports team
Attend three aerobic or water fitness classes each week

Remember to...
Decide on a specific goal
Pick a goal date
Write it down and track the details
Work with a friend, family member or personal trainer
Break it into small targets
Incorporate other interests (photography, family-time, bird watching, your dogs, sight-seeing, volunteering)
Keep it simple
Have FUN!

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