Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Sweet Smell of Sweat

"Mommy after you exercise, you smell like a boy."

Don't you just love my son's honesty. Ok, ok, I got it, time to hit the shower. Some days I have to take two... depending on when I get my workout in and when I have clients.  I work part-time as a personal trainer and I though I want to appear athletic, I don‘t want to prove the point by reeking of locker room.

Body odor aside, for me physical fitness has become a vital part of my life.  I truly do feel better when I exercise.... inside and out. I started kicking my workouts into higher gear about two years ago, which happened to coincide with discovering my ADD. In addition to the obvious benefits like better health, weight loss, increased fitness, gains in strength, increased balance, stronger bones, more flexibility...for ME, working out has become a form of meditation, release, empowerment. I have been amazed at the things I can do now that I never thought possible.

And when I skip a few days, I feel less energetic, I don’t sleep as well... which in turn leads to a whole other set of issues... I regress to a cranky slug.

Recently, I read this study (done at Duke University) where they found that individuals suffering from depression experienced the SAME benefits from exercise as those taking antidepressants. And the effects could be sustained with ongoing and regular workouts.  Here’s the real kicker: Participants doing ‘exercise only’ where MUCH less likely to have their depression return... less than the patients receiving drug therapy, and those taking drugs + doing exercise.

Guess what exercise this study used?  WALKING....yep that’s it.  Walking 30 minutes a day.  Nothing strenuous or expensive. Exercise can help you can lose your blues and your love handles too...

Article featured in the January 30, 2010 Weight Management and Fitness Forum 58th Edition hosted at Weight Master

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